Want to refresh your look without traditional invasive surgery? Ready for the best possible results with the least amount of downtime? FaceTite by INMODE is a minimally invasive rejuvenation procedure that can be an alternative to a facelift of necklift. The procedure takes about one hour and delivers energy right underneath the skin. This innovative technique stimulates collagen production in the dermis which leads into improved skin elasticity, thickness and texture. The FaceTite and AccuTite procedure use radio frequency energy laser to transform your look.
The Facetite is very versatile and produces amazing results for loose necks, jowls, arms and more. The innovative procedure is specifically designed to remove unwanted fat and tighten skin, without damaging the surrounding delicate structures.
Dr. Michelle Reyes offers innovative FaceTite procedures for individuals looking to restore youthful contours. A small incision is created to gently heat below the surface of the skin to help correct sagging jowls or a droopy appearance. The advanced FaceTite system is minimally invasive and provides key benefits of fat coagulation and tissue remodeling.
A revolutionary treatment delivering radio frequency energy directly to improve tightness, thickness and texture in a series of treatments. The answer to neck lifts, lose jowls, arms and more. This simple procedure provides rejuvenation to areas of the face and body. The Morpheus8 can help correct wrinkled dull skin and even acne scars.
Morpheus8 Treatments Target the Neck and Jowls
Morpheus8 combines microneedling techniques with radio frequency energy. The results from a treatment series includes tightening of the skin and corrects rough texture. Morpheus8 helps improve excess fat in the face and below the chin (submental) area. Jowls and even stretch marks can be treated at The Med Spot with this technology. Each Morpheus8 treatment requires minimal downtime and can be customized to treat your top concern.
MINT PDO threads and NOVA Threads provide the ultimate form of non-invasive rejuvenation and lift!
What is a PDO absorbable suture?
It’s a complex synthetic sugar based substance that is completely absorbable, called polydioxanone or PDO. The same type of material used in PDO sugar threads has been used in surgical sutures composed of polydioxanone. PDO sutures are used to perform cardiothoracic surgery (such as open-heart surgery) and orthopedic surgeries for over 30 years. It’s one of the safest materials to be implanted in the body.
Your skin absorbs the PDO sugar threads within 4 to 6 months & won’t leave you with any scar tissue.
How does it work?
MINT PDO Threads stand for Minimally Invasive Non-Surgical Threads. These threads are so revolutionary that they can address heavy nasolabial folds, jowls, and sunken cheeks. Looking refreshed and lifted with no incision.
Common results achieved with MINT™ PDO include:
Restoring The V-Shape
A beautiful and healthy face has a “V-shape”. With the aging of tissues and the action of gravity, this “V-shape” diminishes or inverts. The idea behind the MINT PDO and NovaThread techniques is to either create a scaffolding in order to support the tissues and keep them in the “V-shape” or where necessary to delicately lift the tissues and reposition the skin to recreate the “V-shape” where it’s been lost.
Neck & Jaw
Although MINT PDO and NOVAThreads can be inserted almost anywhere, one area where they are especially effective is the neck and jawline. The lower third of the face is challenging to treat effectively with botulinum toxin or injectable fillers, which are most effective in the upper and middle third of the face, respectively.
The Med Spot’s very own Dr. Michelle Reyes is a renowned trainer for MINT PDO Threads. We love MINT PDO for their strength, results, and patented technology.
Regardless of the size of tear or hole caused by (but not limited to) wearing gauges and over stretching the skin, we can help you. Dr Reyes is an expert of complex intricate procedures and has successfully completed many, in turn giving her clients back their normal earlobes. This procedure is done here at The Med Spot with local anesthesia and using stitches that will be removed after the ear/ears have fully healed. Because the ear heals very quickly, scars are minimal and they may also be pierced again if regular size earrings wish to be worn.
This simple procedure has been life changing for many suffering from the issues connected with excessive sweating.
Botox® for Hyperhidrosis
Onabotulinumtoxin A (Botox) is a natural, purified protein with the ability to temporarily block the secretion of the chemical that is responsible for “turning on” the body’s sweat glands. By blocking, or interrupting, this chemical messenger, botulinum toxin “turns off” sweating at the area where it has been injected. Botox injections are very shallow, meaning that the medicine is injected just below the surface of the skin, where it remains.
Research demonstrates that treating excessive sweating of the armpits, hands, feet, head and face (craniofacial), and other relatively small body areas (like under the breasts) with onabotulinumtoxin A is safe and effective. When used to treat underarm excessive sweating, Botox has been shown to result in an 82-87% decrease in sweating. Dr. Michelle Reyes or a healthcare provider at The Med Spot will first assess the area of concern by performing a test to see exactly where the spots of excessive sweating occur. That in turn allows for accurate injection and the precise amount of Botox needed.
The procedure is quick and does not require downtime. Results start to be noticeable approximately 2 to 4 days after treatment with the full effects usually noted within 2 weeks. Dryness typically lasts 4 to 12 months but some studies have found it can last as long as 14 months. Additional statistics from published research studies have shown that repeated treatment with Botox is safe and effective for hyperhidrosis and consistently results in meaningful, long-lasting improvements in an excessive sweating patient’s symptoms, daily functioning, and quality of life.
This is the gold standard medical treatment for varicose and spider veins of the legs utilizing a painless injectable method that has excellent long-term results. Asclera® is the painless, injectable solution used at The Med Spot and one of Dr. Reyes favorite procedures to perform.
With our GentleMax Pro® system, here at The Med Spot we can remove vascular conditions and pigmented areas such as spider veins and sun spots, quickly and easily. If you are suffering from unsightly leg veins and want to get rid of them we can help.
Remove Spider Veins, Leg Veins and More
The GentleMax Pro® system uses laser technology, directing powerful yet gentle light-based energy into the skin. The laser targets the treatment area, causing the blood inside it to coagulate. Over time, the vein collapses and eventually disappears.
Because the laser energy is directed toward the vein, the surrounding tissue remains unharmed. Patients report that laser pulses deliver a sensation similar to the snapping of a rubber band against the skin. Discomfort is further minimized by GentleMax Pro’s® patented DCD™ cooling device, which releases cooling bursts of cryogen with each laser pulse.
Your Laser Vein Treatment Procedure
You will need a few treatment sessions to see results. Expect anywhere from two to six treatments spaced four to six weeks apart. Following your treatment regimen, the veins will gradually change color from blue to light red, and they will eventually vanish over the course of two to six weeks after your last session.
Find out if GentleMax Pro® laser treatment can help you reduce the appearance of spider veins, leg veins, telangiectasia, and more.
The GentleMax Pro® system uses laser technology, directing powerful yet gentle light-based energy into the skin. The laser targets the treatment area, causing the blood inside it to coagulate. Over time, the vein collapses and eventually disappears.
Because the laser energy is directed toward the vein, the surrounding tissue remains unharmed. Patients report that laser pulses deliver a sensation similar to the snapping of a rubber band against the skin. Discomfort is further minimized by GentleMax Pro’s patented DCD™ cooling device, which releases cooling bursts of cryogen with each laser pulse.